Obviously a statement to complicated to grasp. Most people wake up every day, get dressed, and go out not realizing what their choice of attire says about themselves. As a self-proclaimed fashionista, I take pride in my choice of attire and refuse to dress in anything that isn't given at least 10 minutes of consideration. It is unbelievable what I encounter from day to day, concerning everyday fashion. The fashion sense of others baffles me. Dressing nicely should be a priority. I may be coming across as rude or inconsiderate but how can someone who pairs pink knit pants two sizes to small with an extra large tinkerbell tee shirt be taken seriously in public???? Come on people. Really?? And yes, I understand that times are hard. People don't have jobs, and with no job comes no money, and with no money comes no new clothes. BUT, on any given day I can walk into Walmart, Burkes Outlet, or Roses even, any find a great looking outfit for less than 20 dollars. Now, dont get me wrong here, I love the name brands. I live for trendy clothes and seasonal styles, but I don't spend big bucks achieving the trendy looks. I simply look for the bargains and take a little time researching what the trends are and how I can get them for less.
For example: last Friday I went to walmart and for $20 I bought a super cute cropped accent jacket, dark bootleg jeans, a white long and lean tank top and a black long and lean tank top. Putting the outfit together I wore the black tank under the white and put the accent jacket over the tanks. Paired with the dark jeans, I looked great, and had an outfit for 20 bucks that Kim Kardashian would wear and spend $300 on!!!! Its that simple people!!! Just take a little time to, 1. Go shopping and look for bargains and, 2. take the time at home to pair items of clothing together so that when you wake up in the morning you already have an idea of what to wear! If you haven't the time, hire someone. It is a small fee to pay to look good, feel good, and get respect. "It shouldnt matter what I wear," says most. Well, IT does MATTER! If you need a job and walk into an interview or even to apply for a job in knit pants, and a tee shirt, I wouldnt hire you!!! I would want to hire someone that seems to put effort into dressing. Not taking the time to dress well, or properly looks like you dont care. Who wants an employee who doesnt even take the time to get ready in the morning?? NOT ME!! So really, care a little and see the difference. You will get more respect, I promise it!
Thats all for now!
Remember....You are what you wear!!!!!!
SBE :)
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