I am, of course, a gymongous Twilight fan. I mean, who isn't these days?! Well, I read the books first. I am not as impressed with the movies, and think they could be a little better, and truer to the book, But, i love the movies and kristen stewart as bella (duh!!). Until recently, I havent put much effort into noticing alice cullen as much as I have the other characters. When I decided that my friends and I were going to be the cullens for halloween, I also decided, that even though i love kstew and love bella, I would be alice. My friend kristen would make a better bella than alice, so...I started researching alice cullen and what her style is like. Now, when I say that my friends and I are going to be the cullens, i do mean, we will be the cullens. to the tee! We go all out for halloween! 2 years ago we were the wizard of oz crew, sans dorothy. (she got sick!) We were most certainly the hit at the party! everyone loved our awesome costumes!
Once I really started researching alice's style i realized that she was one vampire with a really cool style. I know they talk about her being a fashionista in the book, but like i said, my attentions to this point were mostly on bella and of course edward! I have accumulated a couple of favorite alice looks and am having trouble deciding on which to choose. Whichever I chose, I want to be as close to the book alice as possible! Here are my faves...Which is your favorite!?!?
I love this vest and shirt combo! paired with leggings and flats, this look would be hott, but will i look dressed up? or normal?!?
This is my #1 pick but the gorgeous DVF dress she wore is no longer available! I would loooove to recreate this look! |
not much of this outfit can be seen in this photo, but i love the overcoat and scarf paired with leggings, vest and ruffled shirt! |
So here are my top 3 pics! Hopefully I can decide soon and start working! I will post pics as soon as I have an outfit and let you know where I got it and how much! the biggest challenge will be the wig! my hair is 10 times longer than alices! A wig will be a must im assuming!
Awesome idea, I think I like the first outfit the most, looking forward to seeing some pics after the event! xxx