Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 6 blog challenge!

Day 6 – A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet.

Hmmm....i love animals. I have two dogs that live inside. Sadie is a 4 or 5 year old half golden retriever and half newfoundland.  We rescued her so we arent sure on her exact age. Dot is a 5 year old short hair border collie. She is a goose dog for the golf course my husband works at. They are a handful, so I wouldn't want any others to take care of. But, if I had to pick I would go with:

A Newfoundland dog.  Tigers, wolves, Lions, and zebras are cool, but when i think pet, I think loving, sweet, and lazy animals. I would def. love to have a newfie. My parents have one and he is so sweet, patient with kids, loving, and lazy!

What would you pick!?!?


  1. where you are finding this blog challenge? I'm loving the photos. Especially the one of you and Court down below.

  2. thanks! i found it on a fashion blog that i just happened upon...its a good way to get me started i think!


Hey everyone! I am excited to hear from you!! please leave all comments below and i will comment back asap!!